Innergizing Reiki

Calling All Empaths & Highly Sensitive People!

Protecting your boundaries

How energy work can strengthen your aura and shield you from the negative energies of others.

It can be hard for anyone to escape all the negativity in the world these days. Empaths, who are extremely sensitive to the negative energies of others, are especially at risk for energy imbalances. Luckily there are simple energy exercises that enable empaths to protect their boundaries, turning their sensitivity into a strength. 

Defining the empath

If you’re highly attuned to the feelings of others, you may be an empath. Empaths have an extraordinary ability to read and respond to the emotions of those around them, which means they not only pick up on the energies of others, but they also internalize them. Over time, this disrupts their own energy, draining them while creating feelings of depression and burnout.

Hard to say no

Compassionate people who don’t like to disappoint others, empaths often have trouble saying “no.” They may fear rejection, abandonment, or confrontation. But saying “no” is the first step to protecting their boundaries. 

Giving a negative reply, however, can lead others to respond with anger, disbelief, and judgment. That’s where energy work can help to strengthen an empath’s resolve. And since all of us, empath or not, have to deal with energy vampires—people who zap our emotional energy and suck it dry—energy work can benefit everyone.

Dumping emotional garbage

Energy follows thought. So any negative internal dialogues or emotions—anxiety, anger, and shame—are horrible on our energy systems. This exercise, getting rid of your emotional garbage, allows us to literally dispose of what’s not good for us. By unzipping ourselves and purging with intention, we can get rid of our negative emotions and replace them with positive ones like love and joy. 

Daily routines for energy strength

Figure Eights

If we balance, ground, and heal ourselves on a daily basis, we will be less affected by the energy of others and better able to set boundaries. This daily energy routine, which uses three-dimensional figure eights, helps ground us and balance our energy system. 

Figure eights are critical to energy healing—bringing them into our energy fields can make us happier and healthier. There are infinity signs all over our bodies—even in our DNA. This cross-over energy holds our body together. Figure eights connect the aura and the chakras. By tightening our weave, we strengthen our aura and protect our energies from everything coming at us in the world. 


Spooning our feet is another way to reset our polarity, so we can reconnect to the earth and fully ground. It can be part of an extended daily energy routine that can also include breath work and the figure eight work mentioned previously. 

A more empowered empath

Boundaries are important for many reasons. When aligned with our values, boundaries allow us to prioritize self-care and practice self-respect. They create the time and space we need for the relationships we want. And they give us the ability to set limits.

By using energy work to strengthen our minds and bodies, we will be better able to set boundaries and emerge empowered. Strong and balanced, we will be able to make healthy decisions, assert ourselves, and take charge of our lives. Isn’t energy work wonderful?