Innergizing Reiki

What Is Energy Medicine?

What Is Energy Medicine??

As Dr. Mehmet Oz, Chief of Cardiology at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, predicted on Oprah, “The next big frontier in medicine is Energy Medicine.” And guess what – that frontier is here!

Energy has many names such as qi (Chinese), prana (Ayurvedic), life force (Reiki), etc.  It’s what we are all made from – from our bodies to our food to all of the things we count on to survive. 

All traditions believe that when the body’s energy is in balance, healing can occur. Any imbalances therefore, lead to disease and disharmony. 

Everything from depression to migraines, from arthritis to cancer starts out as an imbalance in the body’s energetic system. The longer those energies are blocked, scrambled or damaged in some way, the more likely physical, emotional and mental symptoms will manifest. And so the reverse is also true where once imbalances are detected, corrected and maintained the symptoms can disappear.

Donna Eden, Founder of the Eden Method of Energy Healing and that which I hold a Certified Practitioner’s Certification through, stated “In Energy Medicine, energy is the medicine, and energy is the patient.”  (Donna’s own story is quite remarkable having cured herself of Multiple Sclerosis, Asthma and many other ailments using energy work.  Click here for a brief 7 minute interview with Donna about her story.  

Energy Medicine comes in many forms – Acupuncture, EFT, Qi Gong, Reiki, Healing Touch, Applied Kinesiology, Sound/Vibration Therapy, Eden Energy Medicine plus many more. 

Energy needs space to move and all of these methods do just that. 

If you have ever taken a yoga or pilates class, used magnets or essential oils or worn jewelry with gemstones on it you’ve already practiced energy healing on yourself. 

Our energetic body knows what it needs and doesn’t need to heal.  It also communicates to us those needs every day – we just have to learn how to listen and give it what it wants so our bodies do what they know how to do naturally.

Eden Energy Medicine Practitioners are educated in the 9 different energy systems of the body.  They know how to correct imbalances, blockages and heal damaged areas by communicating with the energy directly to find out what it needs.  They then teach their clients that language of energy so they can then understand and work with their own energies on a daily basis to achieve optimal health and well-being.  

These 9 energy systems are all separate energies but communicate and work together so when one is balanced often times the others will come into balance as well. The most commonly examined are the meridians, chakras and the aura.  

Meridians carry energy around the body very much like the arteries and veins carry blood. There are 12 main meridians that correspond to certain organs (i.e. lung, stomach, kidney, etc). The points where needles are placed during an acupuncture session are along these energy highways. 

Chakras are spinning vortexes of energy with the 7 main chakras running from the base of our spine to the top of our head.  This energy system pulls in things we need and releases what no longer serves us. Maintaining chakra health is crucial for our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. 

Our Aura, also called our biofield, is an electromagnetic field of energy that has multiple layers and colors. It protects us from the negative energies from other people, environmental toxins plus much more while also transmitting information about us out into the world. 

Energy Medicine works well with traditional medical care as well as being a stand alone in treating and preventing many disorders. 

To book your session now click here

Testimonial from Energy Medicine client...

“After 2 sessions with Mary I found complete relief that months of many specialists and medical testing could not provide. I was replying on wheel chair assistance just to get around and was in severe pain constantly. Before my visits to Mary my blood work had Drs concerned that I may have blood cancer or MS, after my 2nd visit my blood work returned to normal and I am pain free and feeling better than I have in years” K.E..

To watch a great video called, “What Is Energy Medicine and What Does It Have To Do With Me?’ Click here……

What’s the difference between Energy Medicine and Reiki?

Although both modalities provide relaxation and healing using energy, they are quite different. With Reiki the practitioner is a conduit between the client and the Universal Life Force energy that is being channelled into the client. The client rests quietly and receives Reiki.

With Energy Medicine, the practitioner works with the energies within and around the individual client. The client plays an active role both in sessions, as their energies are being evaluated, balanced and maintained, and at home. 

.Both Reiki and Eden Energy Medicine can be done in person and distantly.

How does Distant Energy Healing work?

This is one of the most challenging things to explain about energy work although it’s very easy to believe for us because we, as practitioners, see it work every day. Being energetic beings that are surrounded by electromagnetic energy fields means that we vibrate at certain frequencies. It also means that we are all individual parts of a much bigger whole of that same electromagnetic energy which flows through everything in our universe.  It’s quite easy to link into another person’s energy and send healing to them because of this oneness. Think about the power of prayer – no contact is made when you pray for someone. Think of plants and flowers that grow better when exposed to certain kinds of music. That music is sending out healing frequencies that the plant absorbs and so it then begins to blossom forth. 

Think of the very nature of quantum physics that Einstein called “spooky action at a distance” where entangled particles remain connected so that actions performed on one affect the other no matter the distance between them. We are also entangled particles – parts of this great universe. When the practitioner works on the client’s energetic body on their table 1000 miles away from the physical client, that physical client is experiencing what the practitioner is doing because the energies are connected. 

To watch my video about how distant healing works click HERE

A few testimonials from distant clients…..

I’ve had a distance healing session with Mary and it was amazing and wonderful!!! From the beginning of the session a calmness and relaxation started to come over me, like being rocked by angelic hands. During the session I’ve had some amazing experiences: bursts of energies, heat and soothing coolness in different parts of my body. I literally felt the energies moving! Thank you Mary!” M.R.

“I got a reiki session online. This was my first experience with Reiki. It was amazing that, being at a distance of thousands of kilometers, I felt waves of energy rolling on me. My body felt warm, as if someone’s caring hands wrapped me in a warm blanket. It was incredibly nice. After the session I felt full of energy and joy. Thanks Mary for the amazing experience!” S.B.


  • Shaylee Packer

    I have never heard of distance healing before, but you mentioned that it is tapping into someones energy. My sister has been struggling with depression for quite some time now, and nothing has seemed to snap her out of it. I wonder if she would be interested in learning more about distance healing.

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