My Energetic Journey with Coffee
**Now, before you read any further please know this is NOT in any way an attempt to get anyone off coffee. This is my own experience and should only be used as food for thought and entertainment ;). Mary of EnergyGirl
The bitter taste of coffee had always kept me away from the stuff. But when a whole box of caffeine pills wasn’t keeping me awake during my all-nighter study sessions in nursing school, I broke down and bought my first coffee pot. That was in 1991.
I bought dark roast thinking it was stronger (a myth), a whole lot of sugar, and a whole lot of half and half. And so my journey with coffee began.
It didn’t take me long as an Emergency Room nurse to appreciate coffee hot. Not having the opportunity to even use the bathroom for 12 hours certainly didn’t offer the opportunity to finish a poured cup before it went cold. So for many years cold, black, and often times bottom-of-the-pot sludge is what kept me going.
‘Coffee is the blood of life’ was my motto for decades! I never understood the point of decaf. Until I started learning about energy medicine that is.
When I left healthcare in 2017 my coffee intake thankfully became 100% of the hot and savored kind. All was right with the world again – at least caffeinated-ly speaking.
In 2018 I started my journey into energy medicine learning and doing Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine every day while then studying to be a practitioner of energy medicine. And I found out what they say is true, the longer you do the routine the more cumulative results you have.
In addition to improving my health status, gradually I found myself with energy in the afternoon and not desiring to make a second pot of coffee for the day. After more time passed, I found my lone morning cup was half full when I emptied it down the drain. I found myself not making a pot one day which then turned into 2-3 days in a row. The unthinkable had to be thought about, ‘Could I really be done with coffee?’
I decided not to make any rash decisions and kept the coffee on the shelf for a while but what happened was I didn’t miss or apparently need the caffeine but I found myself missing the taste and morning ritual of coffee. So again, the unthinkable happened and I started drinking decaf. My family grew concerned wondering what magic spell I’d been put under with this energy voodoo stuff but I was happy.
I had the hot, coffee-tasting beverage of decaf without the caffeine – and yes, I’m aware there’s a hint of it in decaf but not enough to be concerned about. And besides, I was only on decaf for less than a year when I started a detox, metabolism reset program where any kind of coffee, tea, etc was forbidden. Because I’d already been off the hard stuff for a while it wasn’t an issue for me but people in the group started bringing up their favorite coffee alternative products. What the heck is a coffee alternative I’d asked? I’d never heard of such a thing. I’ll leave it to your internet browser to share those with you since this isn’t a marketing ploy but just know this – there are products out there that smell and taste just like coffee without the caffeine OR acid – could life get any better?
The moral of the story is that as my energy became more balanced my body slowly began telling me what it really wanted and thankfully I listened. I’m now a coffee alternative drinking Certified Practitioner of The Eden Method and help people every day find out what their bodies don’t need anymore.
Give energy medicine a try and see what falls away from your life when you give your body what it desires – balance.