Radiant Circuits: Let Your Fabulous Feelings Flow
Radiant Circuits: Let Your Fabulous Feelings Flow
Remember how you felt the last time you were in love? Or the last time you achieved something extraordinary? Or the last time you laughed uncontrollably, danced freely, or sang with abandon?
Maybe you didn’t realize it, but while you were in love or at play, your Radiant Circuits were at work. These energetic paths are powerful. When activated, they can deliver a feeling of total well-being.
What are Radiant Circuits?
Radiant Circuits, coined by Donna Eden, are a series of energetic flows in our bodies. In traditional Chinese medicine, Radiant Circuits are also known as the Eight Extraordinary Vessels, Collector Meridians, or Strange Flows.
Whatever you call them, our eight Radiant Circuits distribute energy throughout the body. They’re the energetic bridge between a thought and the activity of your brain’s neurotransmitters. Linking all of our other energy systems, Radiant Circuits help us feel joy; they’re the boss that brings more vibrancy into our life.
Testing your Radiant Circuits
If you’re wondering how your Radiant Circuits are flowing, an energy medicine practitioner can help. With a few simple tests, they’ll be able to determine if your Radiant Circuits are bringing as much healing energy, excitement, and joy into your cells as possible.
An energy specialist can also look for blockages that may be hindering your Radiant Circuits as they traverse your body. These issues are critical to pinpoint because when Radiant Circuits are working properly, they keep us healthy, boost our immune system, help us resist bad habits, lessen our anxiety, and encourage connection—with people, with partners, and with our own life.
What Can Block Radiant Circuits?
Highly responsive to both positive and negative feelings and events, there are many things that can cause Radiant Circuits to underperform. Some of the culprits include:
- A sedentary lifestyle
- Constant negativity
- Bad habits
- Poor health
Luckily, there are many ways to positively stimulate your Radiant Circuits, and doing so will help you feel happier and healthier.
Activating Your Radiant Circuits
Free-flowing by design, Radiant Circuits aren’t limited to strict pathways like their meridian cousins. Instead, they can move anywhere they’re needed. And these Circuits are smart. According to Eden, Radiant Circuits have strong creative problem-solving abilities.
Just as happiness can be contagious, Eden believes that a person’s radiant energies are too. And once activated, they’re available not only to you—but also to those with whom you interact.
So…let’s stop talking and start activating, shall we?
Here are a few ways to feel more joyful and spread the happiness around:
- Trace your Radiant Circuits.
- Tap into your Radiant Circuits. (Tap with a steady beat for 10-12 seconds at the point between your eyebrows just above the bridge of your nose.)
- Do something that makes your heart smile. Your Radiant Circuits are intelligent and highly responsive to your emotions. They will know when your energy is joyful and react accordingly. So go ahead, sing or dance to your favorite music, marvel at nature, laugh, and live in childlike wonder—your body will thank you for it!
- Make Figure Eights. Simply put on music—and your smile—and start doing Figure Eights. Figure Eights are critical to any form of energy healing; they help protect us from toxins and negativity in the world.
- Explore your Twelve Hearts. Often done at the end of an EnergyGirl Reiki session, Twelve Hearts is also a great way to activate your Radiant Circuits.
- Practice Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine.
- Conduct organized Radiant Circuit Exercises: A series of exercises where you can follow along (extended or quick), which include:
- Central Governing (meridians that are also Radiant Circuits)
- Triple Warmer (meridians that are also Radiant Circuits)
- Belt Flow
- Yin Bridge Circuit
- Backside
- Regulators
- Penetration Flow
Hopefully, you’re feeling healthier and happier just thinking about doing these exercises!