Innergizing Reiki

5G Blog Series Part 2: Be EMF Aware

5G Blog Series Part 2: Be EMF Aware

Three years ago, I began teaching Reiki online. Midway through each day, I was always exhausted. I had no reason to blame electric and magnetic fields (EMFs)—because at that point I didn’t know much about them. But as I learned more, I decided to do an experiment: I switched my Wi-Fi to Ethernet. And ever since, my energy has improved. 

My conclusion—along with those of many scientific studies? EMFs may be invisible. But their effects on your health can be anything but. 

Be Body Aware

How do you know if you’re being impacted by EMFs? Try answering some of these questions: 

  • Do your hands tingle after holding your cell phone? 
  • Do you have chronic fatigue? 
  • Do you get frequent headaches? 
  • Do you struggle with insomnia? Depression? Memory loss? 

Manmade EMFs can increase the level of inflammation in our bodies, which can cause a wide variety of issues. 

Complain of any of the above, and you may want to ask what most doctors don’t: Is there a cell tower near your house? Or, How much screen time is in your day?

Whatever you do, do not discount the power of EMF exposure on your health—in fact, if fatigue is your only issue, you should consider yourself fortunate. Here’s why:

Radiofrequency EMFs, which include emitters like cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, have been labeled a Class 2B “possible” carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO). And some scientists go further—they believe that based on recent studies, it should be reclassified as a Class 1 definite carcinogen. This would put radiofrequency EMFs in the same category as cigarette smoke and asbestos. 

In addition, EMF exposure has been linked to reduced fertility in men. More specifically, mobile phone exposure is associated with reduced sperm motility and viability. A potential reason not to carry a cell phone in your pocket!

Be Policy Aware

The 1968 Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act is a law most Americans have never heard of. An amendment to the Public Health Service Act mandates performance standards for electronic products suspectable of electronical radiation or radiation emissions. 

But these so-called EMF “safety” guidelines haven’t been updated since 1996, and they are based on short exposure to one device, which doesn’t reflect the way people use technology today.

The Broadband International Legal Action Network, a professional network of lawyers and relevant experts, believes that the proliferation of 5G may violate the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act. So together with the Americans for Responsible Technology group, they crafted a petition that demands the FDA comply with the 1968 Act. You can learn more about this historic petition on their website.

Be Action Orientated

Maybe you’re wondering—okay, so what do I do about all of this? Well, you can donate to organizations like the Broadband International Legal Action Network. You can get the message out to others about the negative health effects of EMF exposure. And you can also take control personally—with exercises and actions that will limit your EMF exposure and/or counter it. 

That’s where the Part 3 of this series comes in. Filled with tricks and tips, it will empower your health and decrease the effects of radiation in a world where EMF exposure is only increasing.