Innergizing Reiki

Thank You EnergyGirl Supporters!!

I had a wonderful essay about my energetic journey with coffee planned for this month but a texting conversation with a dear friend this morning led me to this celebratory, gratitude-filled piece instead.  I’ll start out by saying that when the country reopened from Covid in the Summer of 2020 I opened my doors and excitedly started my entrepreneurial journey.  My tax guy told me at the end of that year that it takes on average 3 years for start ups to make a profit so stay the course and be patient.

Well, I’m here to say I’ve never been average in anything I do and EnergyGirl, LLC is no exception.  Although there were a few months early on where making the rent was challenging, customers and supporters like you helped spread the word to make my first official year in business a successful one with an actual profit for the year of 2021!

I shared my year-ending-in-the-black story with my friend today and her reply was, “Profit!  Wonderful!! That’s excellent after only 18 months in this crazy world!”  I reminded her that the services I offer are just what people need to be able to cope with this crazy world. Her reply….”That’s for sure!!” 

So a much-appreciative THANK YOU to all of you who helped me make 2021 a successful one.  I’m thrilled I can continue to be here to assist in your journeys – to help you heal, to help you find balance, and to help you cope with this wild and wacky world.  And the coffee essay will be coming soon 😉

Namaste, Mary of EnergyGirl, LLC