Innergizing Reiki

Balancing Your Fire Element


This is the Season of Summer and of Fire in the 5 Elements Energy World

Are you or someone you know a Fire?

Defining characteristics might include…


     *Great Cheerleader

                *Easily Distracted


           *Drama Queen or King



                                                           *Life of the Party

      *Anxious with a tendency toward Panic



In Traditional Chinese Medicine, what was called the 5 elements, sometimes called rhythms or seasons were documented thousands of years ago as being what ruled our days, lives, and even society.  This amazing cycle can be seen in our 24-hour day, over a calendar year, or over the course of our lifetime.  

We have all 5 elements in us but usually, there are one or two that determine our personalities, how we handle stress, and even how we get sick and heal.

The elements of Water, Wood, Earth, and Metal have already been profiled with accompanying video links on how to balance those particular elements energetically which can be found HERE on EnergyGirl’s YouTube channel. 

As with all of the elements, there is a healthy to unhealthy spectrum that exists. Our job is to find that happy middle space bringing in more of the best aspects and minimizing the not-so-pretty-ones.

And as with all elements, there are respective parts of the body and emotions that correspond to each.

Fire is the season of Summer. It governs the Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium (the protective lining of the Heart), and Triple Warmer which is an energy system responsible for among other things keeping us alive.

The positive aspects are Joy and Discernment while the negative are Anxiety and Indecision.

This is the time of year when Mother Nature struts her stuff. Trees and gardens are in full bloom. The heat of Summer is calling us outdoors more than any other season. Summer breaks from school and summer vacations bring us back to nature, to ground, to find that healthy balance within ourselves.

Our Fire element can be like the warmth of the slow-burning embers of a campfire that sustain us for a long period OR they can burn out of control like a raging forest fire burning everything in its path within minutes.

For anyone who feels out of control, feels anxious if they don’t feel connected (to the ground or to others), has trouble making decisions, or doesn’t feel safe look to your Fire element.  

For anyone who has heart issues, physical or emotional such as irregular rhythms or heartache, leaky gut or digestive complaints, or if you’re always on edge, stressed, and overreacting – this would be a great place to start.

In addition to the energy exercises in this month’s video for balancing Fire,

 – Do something fast-paced like aerobics or dancing to burn off that extra fire energy

 – Have fun with Food! (Eat breakfast food for dinner OR make it a goal to have 5 colors on your plate for lunch)

 – Bring fire into your environment (light candles, use your fireplace, hang images or artwork with the many colors of fire or the sun).

 – Compliment others thereby lighting their fire

 – Get to sleep before 11 pm

 – Bring fire into your wardrobe with vibrant colors (reds, oranges, yellows)

 – Bring on the BLING – shiny jewelry or accessories

 – Try not to overreact or let your imagination get the better of you

 – Take a day for self-care, relax, ground in nature 

 – Say ‘No’ more than you say ‘Yes’ for a week – see how you feel

 – Stay hydrated! (Water helps squelch Fire)

CLICK HERE for my 2-part Element Blog where you can take the quiz to see what elements are primary for you!

PIXAR is even getting into the Element game with their newest movie ELEMENTAL out NOW! Fire plays a leading role!  Check out the Trailer HERE