Innergizing Reiki

Reiki Listens to Our Needs


No Reiki or other energy practitioner worth their weight should ever say their particular healing modality can “cure” anything.

That said, we energy practitioners know that the body knows how to “cure” itself – we just need to assist the body in finding that balance it needs to start its curing or healing process. And Reiki energy is a great resource to assist your body in achieving that balance.

Reiki is marketed as an ancient Japanese relaxation technique. When you receive Reiki into your life by way of a session or a class, energies begin to shift bringing about that balance in your body, mind, and spirit that can initiate that healing process.

Reiki came into my life in 2007 through a massage therapist who was also a Reiki Master Teacher.  After two years of getting Reiki massages, I finally received the attunement for Level I Reiki in what I now call Usui Reiki. There are many kinds of Reiki out there each with its focus but I received one of the more popular ones that came to us through Dr. Mikao Usui just over a century ago.

Over the next decade, I received levels II and III in Usui Reiki.  When I knew I was going to open my practice in 2019 I desired something more. It was then that I became a Master in Holy Fire® Reiki – a higher frequency Reiki energy than the Usui energy I’d had before. When this energy was ignited in me I immediately felt a difference and was in awe.  I felt Holy Fire® was more powerful yet still very gentle. The same enhancement, if you will, was noticeable when I then gave Reiki, and those I gave to thought so as well.

One of the most important things I learned from Holy Fire® is that Reiki listens. Reiki, being the intelligent Universal Life force energy that it is, feels our pain as a global consciousness. It can even enhance itself to accommodate our needs – and that it did earlier this year.

After recent years of humanity becoming more divisive followed by Russia bringing more hatred and imbalance to the world when they invaded Ukraine Reiki stepped up and rose to the occasion creating an even higher vibrational energy called World Peace Reiki. 

I was privileged enough to be attuned to this wonderful upgrade in April and once again I was in awe. During the attunement itself, I felt a deep relaxation and loving embrace, unlike anything I had ever experienced. And my clients have also felt this, “I didn’t think it was possible to be more relaxed.”, “more peaceful”, “just lovely”.

The following is taken from, ‘The Reiki consciousness recently revealed a higher expression of its healing potential. This wonderful World Peace energy is not only able to heal the anxiety and fear many people are feeling now but also contains the energy to actively manifest a new level of peace in the world. It is strong and potent. And while it respects free will, it openly makes itself known as a gift each person can choose to receive.’